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Episode TimeStamps:
00:00 – Intro
01:49 – A huge thank you to listeners of the show for leaving your 5-star reviews on iTunes
03:02 – Macro recap from Niels
04:48 – Weekly review of performance
11:59 – Q1; James: What are your views on momentum indicators diverging against price action?
24:56 – Q2; Frank: What is your view on the relationship between the stop and the look-back period?
28:52 – Q3; John: Is the 2% rule still a popular and good risk-per-trade today?
35:56 – Q4; Mark: Would you ever not take a trade because it seems so absurd logically?
40:11 – Q5; Frederick: Do you think people are underinvested in CTAs because they want to feel in more ‘in control’ than a systematic approach would allow them to?
45:34 – The calculus of business cycles
48:51 – Narrative ambiguity versus model clarity
50:53 – How to handle depreciating cash
54:04 – The power of weather shocks
58:01 – Do we need inflation futures?
59:58 – Curve play in bonds
01:02:11 – Hayek co-ordination problem and recovery
01:04:57– Benchmark performance update
01:05:57– Next week we have Richard Brennan joining us on the show, so send in your questions