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Episode TimeStamps:
00:00 - Intro
01:32 - A big thank you to our listeners for leaving 5-star reviews in iTunes
02:26 - Macro recap from Niels
04:43 - Weekly review of returns
15:55 - An insight into Jerry Parker’s approach to backtesting
23:06 - Jerry Parker’s thoughts on the challenges of starting a CTA business today and how to overcome them
32:35 - Thoughts on effective succession planning for CTAs, as well as some thoughts on staying safe from cyber attacks
37:41 - Q1; Sebastien: How do you approach currency hedging?
41:17 - How one simple rule can be more powerful than a group of complex rules
44:48 - How shorter-term systems can be susceptible to noise
47:54 - Why past correlations can’t always be relied upon
49:32 - Discussion on a recent TransTrend article on how to respond to extreme volatility in the markets, such as during the COVID-19 pandemic
56:34 - Jerry’s thoughts on system diversification
01:01:59 - Benchmark performance update