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Episode TimeStamps:
01:07 - What has caught Nick's attention recently?
03:02 - Industry performance update
04:30 - Q1, Corey: If an investor is heavily weighed equities, are they better off with trend
following providers that don't include equities as one of the utilized asset classes
10:31 - How model portfolios can benefit from trend following
19:02 - A Changing Stock-Bond Correlation (AQR Paper)
23:50 - How structural inflation can impact the stock-bond correlation
27:46 - Illiquid alternatives and commodities as diversifiers
35:27 - Significant shifts in the asset allocation space
38:14 - Is cash better than bonds?
41:40 - Paper from Transtrend
47:15 - What really drives the absolute return in a trend following portfolio
52:23 - Network Momentum across Asset Classes (Oxford-Man Institute paper)
57:08 - Coming up next week