"You don’t really know your investor and they don’t know you until you go through your first drawdown together." - Natasha Reeve-Gray (Tweet)
In This Episode, You'll Learn:
- About how Natasha and her team constructs their portfolio.
- How their models are adaptive.
- What their integrated risk approach does and how it works.
- What she thinks the capacity is of the strategy that her firm has.
"The important thing is that the client has what they want and what they bought." - Natasha Reeve-Gray (Tweet)
- How she defines risk.
- How correlations play a part in their portfolio.
- Which sectors of the market do well with their model.
- How she sets the expectations for what kinds of drawdowns they might have.
"When we are refining our program one of the things we want to do is make sure there is no particular reliance on history." - Natasha Reeve-Gray (Tweet)
- How to help investors with the emotional rollercoaster of drawdowns.
"The longer you’re in business, the larger your drawdowns are going to be, so we’re very comfortable talking about it because we have them." - Natasha Reeve-Gray (Tweet)
- How the firm goes about doing research.
- How to detect if a certain model stops working.
- What lessons they have learned from all their years in business.
"You hire for what you need not only today, but for the next 12 to 18 months, but not beyond that." - Natasha Reeve-Gray (Tweet)
- How success changes your mindset.
- Why it's good to have people to look up to.
- Her biggest challenge facing her firm today.
- What investors are not asking when at due diligence meetings with her firm.
- Why a long term relationship with a client is important.
- What advice she would give to emerging managers today.
- Where she thinks the managed futures industry is going as a whole.
"I think the CTA industry in general could do a better job of explaining what we do." - Natasha Reeve-Gray (Tweet)
Resources & Links Mentioned in this Episode:
- Natasha recommends reading The Hard Thing About Hard Things, a book about building a business and entrepreneurship.
- She also recommends Fortune's Formula, by William Poundstone.
This episode was sponsored by Eurex Exchange:

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"It’s the only industry where you go ‘here you give me your money, and I’m not going to tell you what’s going to happen in the future because we don’t know.’" - Natasha Reeve-Gray (Tweet)