"The financial markets are all connected with cycles of time and history." - Mahendra Sharma (Tweet)
In This Episode, You'll Learn:
- Why Mahendra is completely different than any of the other guests that have been on the podcast.
- How he got into predicting the financial markets.
"Oh wow - I want to learn how to see the future." - Mahendra Sharma (Tweet)
- The story of his astrologer grandfather who lost his eyesight.
- How he came out with his first predictions at the age of 20.
- How he made a fortune in technology stocks based on his own predictions.
"I saw the tech bubble, before the tech bubble started." - Mahendra Sharma (Tweet)
- The way he wrote his first book that came out in South Africa.
- How he grew up in a home without electricity.
"Each person on this planet has a unique quality in their life." - Mahendra Sharma (Tweet)
- Why he looks at planetary movement, and human behavior patterns.
- When he thinks Facebook is going to be worth nothing.
"Traders and investors are experiencing very volatile times." - Mahendra Sharma (Tweet)
- Why he predicts that the DOW will go to 32,000.
- Why he believe in a 30 year cycle.
"I see inflation coming back in 2016 and 2017." - Mahendra Sharma (Tweet)
- What he predicts for interest rates in the next few years.
Resources & Links Mentioned in this Episode:
- Learn more about Mahendra here.
This episode was sponsored by Mahendra Sharma's Financial Predictions:
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E-Mail Financial Astrology: mahendra@mahendraprophecy.com
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"I think interest rates are going to see a very amazing trend in 2015 and 2016." - Mahendra Sharma (Tweet)