I think astrology is not about getting fame by predicting some negative event. Astrology is about guiding someone, to help people.
—Mahendra SharmaIn This Episode, You'll Learn:
- How Mahendra got into astrology
- Why he relocated to Kenya as a young man
- Why Mahendra pivoted to predicting the global markets
- Why Mahendra stopped predicting big world events after 9/11
- How he built his financial astrological charts and what he is looking for
- How astrological charts are in some ways similar to other statistical based investment approaches
- How human behavior fits into the astrological process
- Mahendra's prediction of Tesla from 2018

The truth about it is money plays a central role in this life, and we can do a lot of good things with it.
—Mahendra Sharma- What are Mahendra's predictions for 2021
- What trend the European equities markets will follow
- Why Mahendra sees an issue with the Euro as we approach 2024
- The interesting correlation between the year 2021 and the Fibonacci sequence
- Mahendra's interesting prediction about Gold for the year 2052
- Where Mahendra sees the $Dollar bottoming out
- What commodities stand out to Mahendra
- Mahendra's prediction for a potential Bitcoin CRASH in early 2021
- Why investors should be careful after 2024
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E-Mail: mahendra@mahendraprophecy.com
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What I am seeing now, today, definitely the Dow will hit 32,000. There is no doubt about it.
—Mahendra Sharma