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Episode TimeStamps:
00:00 - Intro
02:56 - Introduction to Marco Papic
10:35 - Is geopolitical analysis even valid?
14:23 - Go to the insiders if you want geopolitical analysis?
21:04 - How can geopolitical analysis be exploited like investment constraints?
25:42 - What actually causes recessions?
32:33 - Using constraints based analysis
37:15 - What is the median voter theory?
40:33 - Are median voters controlled by media?
45:24 - The role of Bayesian analysis
53:02 - Papic’s take on spread trades
59:13 - Is the dollar overvalued?
01:03:46 - Predicting an invasion
01:09:20 - A strengthening of the Baltic states
01:17:08 - Key takeaways from Niels