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Episode TimeStamps:
02:26 - What has been on our radar recently?
06:31 - Industry performance update
13:41 - Q1.0, Matthijs: Assuming that the trading costs are not a problem for some low-vol instrument, then how can we decide whether/how to still safely include the instrument in our portfolio?
23:50 - Q1.1 Matthijs: How do we distinguish between benign naturally low-vol instruments and disasters waiting to happen due to artificially dampened volatility?
26:18 - Q2, Ben: If I can trade markets like sugar or OJ on 20-day breakouts, is it reasonable to do so or is that quote-unquote too fast?
32:08 - Q3, Emil: As a full time systematic trader, how do you manage your expenses, with up and down months/years?
43:09 - Discussing latest Man Institute paper on regime based investing
50:37 - A win for trend following
59:32 - Does it matter if the Fed is tightening?
01:01:53 - The impact of Contango vs. Backwardation
01:09:57 - Thanks for listening