"We do something that is very complex." - Oliver Steinki (Tweet)
In This Episode, You'll Learn:
- The details of Oliver’s portfolio.
- What types of markets have more success for their models.
- Their unique allocation process.
- How to explain these scientific terms to potential investors.
"We don’t enter any position without an attached trading stop." - Oliver Steinki (Tweet)
- The question of simplicity vs. complexity.
- How they managed intra-day forecasting.
- How he manages risk.
- The way that market correlations play into the portfolio.
"We are really uncorrelated because we have long and short positions on a lot of different markets." - Oliver Steinki (Tweet)
- Oliver’s thoughts on drawdowns and the worst ones that he is expecting.
- How do you know when a model has stopped working.
- What Oliver’s experience has been as the world has become more divergent.
- What keeps him up at night.
"I probably worry to much. But hopefully over your whole career you worry too much but nothing happens, which is much better than being over-confident." - Oliver Steinki (Tweet)
- What he is looking at in his research for the firm right now.
"Since we are research guys, we believe in constant improvement of the existing processes." - Oliver Steinki (Tweet)
- How models can start decaying.
- Who he is targeting for his firm.
- How he manages the cash portion of his accounts.
- How setting up a company outside the big financial center affects his business.
- What questions investors should be asking him during due diligence meetings.
- The advice he would give to aspiring managers.
"One shouldn’t underestimate the time you need to spend to get the infrastructure and regulation right." - Oliver Steinki (Tweet)
Resources & Links Mentioned in this Episode:
- Oliver recommends reading The Mathematics of Money Management.
- He also recommends Algorithmic Trading.
- Learn more about Harry Markowitz, mentioned in this episode.
This episode was sponsored by Eurex Exchange:
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"If you have a good business model, you need good endurance to go through the negative periods and always turn up again." - Oliver Steinki (Tweet)