"You’re talking to probably the least likely person to have gone into this business." - Natasha Reeve-Gray (Tweet)
In This Episode, You'll Learn:
- How Natasha and her founding partners all worked at the same firm before breaking out on their own.
- About her childhood growing up as an only child and what got her interested in finance.
- How she got her first job in finance.
- When she got hired by QCM.
- How she met her founding partners.
"I think it is much harder to start today than when we did it." - Natasha Reeve-Gray (Tweet)
- How and why Natasha and her founding partners broke off from QCM.
- How she set up her new firm with her partners.
- How they each had a different area of the business that they focused on.
"You can have the best product in the world, but if you don’t build the business around it to support that then you don’t get anywhere." - Natasha Reeve-Gray (Tweet)
- The big obstacles of the early days and knowing which people to talk to.
- What the biggest learning curve was in terms of hiring the right people.
"The technology can become the tail that wags the dog to some degree, so you have to be careful with that." - Natasha Reeve-Gray (Tweet)
- Why they built a 24-month buffer for their business that would let them stay in business if things went down.
- Why the’ve gone to the cloud for their business.
- The details of their core team.
"What we’ve learned from this is that we have a very scalable business without necessarily needing to add the amount of people that is usually required." - Natasha Reeve-Gray (Tweet)
- What would require them to expand the team.
- How Natasha explains their track record to investors and potential client.
- About how they reacted to the period of 2011-2013.
- The details of their trading program and what their philosophy is behind the program.
"You want the model to be better but what you’ve got to do is not fit it to the past." - Natasha Reeve-Gray (Tweet)
Resources & Links Mentioned in this Episode:
- Learn more about the film Trading Places,that inspired Natasha to pursue futures trading.
This episode was sponsored by Eurex Exchange:

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"We have 147 exchange traded markets." - Natasha Reeve-Gray (Tweet)