"I believe track record is a very blunt instrument." - Andrew Baxter (Tweet)
In This Episode, You'll Learn:
- How his forecast method works
- How he develops his basic models
- How they come up with new ideas for models at Cambridge Capital
"One can ask the data to suggest areas for interesting research." - Andrew Baxter (Tweet)
- The various short term and long term models that they employ and how they use them
- When they make interventions to the system
- The risk management they use and why they have a risk budget
"We actively control risk on a daily basis." - Andrew Baxter (Tweet)
- Why they are continuously adjusting their risk in the market
- The drawdowns that they expect to see in their program and the ones that they have been through
- Why he thinks CTA firms had significantly higher drawdowns in 2013 then they had ever had before
"I think the increased flow of assets into the larger managers is potentially increasing market impact problems." - Andrew Baxter (Tweet)
- How their research cycles work
- How to compare a life track record with a simulation of the current program
- Why we should look at why managers do things more than what they do
- Why raising assets is the biggest challenge his firm faces today
- What it takes to become a great fund manager
"We need to continue moving and increasing the sophistication of what we do." - Andrew Baxter (Tweet)
- The skill that he would pass onto his children
- The challenges he sees for the CTA space
"We should consider an audience outside the traditional CTA space." - Andrew Baxter (Tweet)
Resources & Links Mentioned in this Episode:
- Andrew recommends reading:
"One should not underestimate how long things take in this business." - Andrew Baxter (Tweet)
This episode was sponsored by Eurex Exchange:

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Visit the Website: www.ccmllp.com
Call Cambridge Capital: +44 (0) 1223 851 001
E-Mail Cambridge Capital: info@ccmllp.com
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"We have a structure to control risk without discretionarily turning models on or off." - Andrew Baxter (Tweet)