“I’m an engineer. I always have been.” – Andrew Baxter (Tweet)
In This Episode, You'll Learn:
- Why Andrew considers himself an engineer
- How he went from engineer to investment management
- How he started his firm
“We launched and started trading 3 years ago.” – Andrew Baxter (Tweet)
- His philosophy on the investment management process
- Why he harvests risk premiums
- What he likes to do when he is not working
- How he works with machine learning
“There is no single right solution, particularly in finance.” – Andrew Baxter (Tweet)
- The things they learned from their career history that helped them build Cambridge Capital Management
- Why it is important to stay ahead of the pack and keep innovating
“Data is often very very noisy. If you don’t know what the underlying process is it can look just like noise.” – Andrew Baxter (Tweet)
- What they do in-house versus outsourcing
- The culture that he tries to cultivate at his company
- How he talks about track record to his investors
- How he evolved as the managed futures industry changed over the years
“The world of investment management has become far easier for people to get started.” – Andrew Baxter (Tweet)
- What he does to manage risk
- The objective of his program from a top-down view
- The different markets that his program trades
“We are a small firm but our systems and processes are institutional.” – Andrew Baxter (Tweet)
Resources & Links Mentioned in this Episode:
- Learn more about British Aerospace.
This episode was sponsored by Eurex Exchange:

Connect with Cambridge Capital Managment:
Visit the Website: www.ccmllp.com
Call Cambridge Capital: +44 (0) 1223 851 001
E-Mail Cambridge Capital: info@ccmllp.com
Follow Andrew Baxter on Linkedin
“Performance is a blend of skill and luck.” – Andrew Baxter (Tweet)